应用名称:Root Explorer R.E.管理器
应用作者:Speed Software
适用版本:Android 3.0 及以上
测试机型:MOTO Z
2019-07-08 v4.5.1
2019-04-08 v4.5
• 新的白色主题
• 界面微调,移除侧栏横幅,状态栏颜色匹配主颜色,调小标签宽度。
2019-03-08 v4.4.4
• Allow language to be selected in preferences, independently of system language
• Show icon correctly for APK’s with adaptive icons
• Fix problem opening image files from within archives in Oreo and above
2019-01-01 v4.4.3
Addressed the following issues on Oreo and Pie devices:
• Enable photo viewers to swipe to other photos after opening from this app
• Fix problem attaching files to Gmail
• Make home screen shortcuts continue to work after a reboot
2018-10-29 v4.4.2
– proper “Recent files” implementation showing recently modified files from any location groupped into time intervals
– removed old “Recent files” section
– added “Documents” collection
– fixed issues with rounded thumbnails
2018-10-25 v4.4.1
• Support for creating home shortcuts on Oreo and Pie
• Fixed problem in Lineage OS where all text files are treated as shell scripts
• Fixed problem opening text files on some Lineage OS ROM’s
• Now targets Android Pie as per recent Play Store requirements. Lots of under the hood changes to support this.
2018-06-01 v4.3.1
2018-06-01 v4.3.0
• Improved navigation in cloud and network tabs, including a progress spinner and more information on connection failures
• Improved responsiveness and included a progress spinner for very large local directories that take a while to load
• Enhanced performance for SMB v2
• Fixed some accessibility problems when using large fonts
• Fixed video and music streaming problems in Google Drive
• Recursive search in network and cloud tabs
2018-04-28 v4.2.4
– 不知
2018-02-08 v4.2.3
– 不知
2018-01-21 v4.2
– 不知
2017-12-15 v4.1.8
• Fixed problem moving files from Internal Storage to SD card on HTC U11
• Fixed occasional crash (affecting less than 1% of devices) when using Root Explorer to open files from other apps
2017-11-17 v4.1.7
2017-08-04 v4.1.6
- 修复小问题
2017-08-03 v4.1.5
- 不知道更新了什么
2017-06-01 v4.1.4
• Updated Dropbox code to use their v2 API. This update is essential for all Dropbox users in order to keep Dropbox functionality working after June 28th.
2017-05-24 v4.1.3
• Preference allowing Add button to be shown or hidden
• File and folder counts for folders in properties dialog
• Added raw byte size after existing size display in properties dialog
• Preference to allow New folder, New file and New tab options to appear in overflow menu
2017-05-03 v4.1.2
- 不知道更新了什么
2017-04-06 v4.1.1
• New preference for enabling or disabling automatic launch when a USB device is connected
• By default, automatic launch for USB devices is now disabled. Although it can be easily enabled in preferences. This is mainly because on the Galaxy Note 4 the app was launching on every reboot because it received a USB connection message even though no USB device was connected. This appears to be caused by a glitch on the Note 4 but must have been very annoying so sorry for that!
2017-03-29 v4.1
• USB OTG support for Marshmallow (Android 6) upwards
• Moving large files within SD card on Nougat (Android 7) now happens instantly
2017-02-14 v4.0.7
• Two new icon view modes (medium and large). Existing icon mode becomes "Small Icons" mode.
• Fixed problem with Google Services dependency. App does NOT require Google Services to run.
• Fixed problems viewing SQLite databases on Nougat as well as locked database issue.
• Some other minor bug fixes.
2017-02-01 v4.0.6
• Significantly improved SD card write performance in Android 5.0+
• For dark themes changed popup menu from white to dark grey
• Fixed crash when authorising SD card and "Don't keep activities" developer preference is enabled
• Fixed crash when pressing paste multiple times
2016-10-23 v4.0.5
• 全新亮黑主题!
• 修复 UTF-8 编码的文件名乱码的问题(通过避免使用 busybox 修复!)
2016-10-23 v4.0.4
- 修复循环出现存储权限对话框的问题
2016-10-20 v4.0.3
- 单击标题栏中的路径可将完整路径复制到剪贴板中
- 修复从“打开”界面打开文本文件间歇性崩溃的问题。
- 更改所有者下拉菜单列表添加 Nougat 系统的特定用户 ID。
- 修复在 CM13 上从云端复制到外置 SD 卡的问题。
2016-09-08 v4.0.2
- 支持 Magisk v6 和 PHH Superuser。
2016-04-19 v4.0.1
- 改善在 Android N 系统上的兼容性。
- 修复在 Android Marshmallow 系统上识别 SD 卡时崩溃的问题。
2016-03-13 v4.0
- 全新采用 Material Design 样式。
2016-01-25 v3.3.8
- 修复在CM13系统上崩溃的问题(原因为CM13使用toybox代替了busybox和toolbox)。
- 修复移动文件至匿名SMB共享时发生的问题。
2015-10-20 v3.3.7
- 修复在已经root的Android Marshmallow 系统上当设置SELinux为强制模式时,修改系统文件异常退出的问题。
2015-09-25 v3.3.6
- 支持多个Dropbox账户(在不同的标签内)。
- 细微调整和小问题修复。
2015-05-20 v3.3.5
- 改进在 Android Lollipop 系统上解压文件到SD卡功能。
- 修复打开 /data/misc 下的文本出现的问题。
- 其他小问题修复。
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